I was running from doctor to doctor and was in anguish all the time, not knowing if I was going to make it in any given day. I was trapped by my condition and was in constant emotional and physical pain. Knowing that I was so limited, I resented everything in my life. My life was an absolute burden.

The program helped me overcome my own resistance to heal myself. It allowed me to find the courage and willingness to keep living and to find the strength to overcome my illness. The program helped me uncover all the areas of my life that I was not responsible. I began to realize that I create my own life, my own condition. Knowing this for sure, gave me the certainty that I could actually change my condition. I said to myself, if I created it then I can dissolve it. I know that I dissolved those thrombus and blood clots.

When I was willing to be in the front seat of my life and to grab the steering wheel that is when I healed myself. Now, I no longer run away from life and can break through obstacles. I value myself because I know that I am the source of my courage. The choices and decisions around my life are now supportive. I feel happy inside and have a sense of internal peace and contentment.

This program allowed me to choose life and to refuse to give up on myself. It gave me a shot in life and to trust the power I have within me. I now know there are no limits.


I felt trapped in my body. No matter how I moved or what I did I was always in pain, and constantly sick. I was spending all kinds of money on doctors and holistic therapies, desperately trying to make it stop. Just trying to do normal stuff around the house or at work was incredibly difficult- I felt like I was trying to act normal while my body felt full of broken glass. I always thought the only way I would be okay was if I found someone who loved me enough to take care of me. At times, I did not even think I would make it to my thirties.

The program helped me to not be scared in my body. There was a significant shift, from my body happening to me and being a victim to my genetics, to taking responsibility for the experience of my entire self. As I began taking responsibility, I started seeing improvements. I started having hope that things could be different. As I got stronger, I had opportunities that I could earn and had the strength to work full time. I can see possibilities now and feel like I have a future. I feel capable for the first time in my life, like a real person. I feel alive.

You should know that you are worth the effort, commitment, and courage that it takes to do this program. You will find that each experience builds a new level of trust in yourself. I was able to heal myself. I am now thirty-two and healthier than I have ever been or hoped to be. I can’t even remember now what it was like to feel so sick and so scared. I’m more than just functional now – I’m thriving.


Looking back I realize my life was pure chaos. I lived a very restricted life and I often had panic attacks. I would have severe anxiety in large crowds and could not be around people. I always had a fear of going out and enjoying life. I never thought I was capable enough to try anything new in life.

The program helped me take responsibility for how I treated myself. I blamed my parents and God for how my life turned out. By taking responsibility, it allowed me to take the blame I was putting on others and now see I was the problem. From this place of being honest and learning that I was creating my pain and my illness, I began to heal myself. I soon started feeling better about myself and began to like myself. I felt I was worth fighting for.

I know this all to be true because I am no longer sick. I am my own proof. I have the freedom to live my life now. I no longer feel trapped and stuck on the hamster wheel. My life is full of opportunities and I feel like I have given myself a whole new life. It is as if I never even had my illness.

If you are looking to change your life and want to become healthy, I know this program is for you. Your freedom will become the fruits of your labor.


I had the worse life ever, it was very sad. I felt like I was in a cocoon from of all my illnesses and there was no hope or future for me. Anywhere I went I was convinced I would get sick, so I missed out on so many opportunities just to live my life. I really wanted people to forget about me and fade away, to slowly die in isolation.

The program pushed me to be honest for the first time about my illnesses and to give up my stories. I had to live the truth of the reality that I created. Once I stopped lying to myself and to other people, I got serious about getting better. The program gave me the power to get better because it showed me that I was making myself sick and that getting better was a choice.  Once I realize it was all about me, it put me in the driver’s seat, which gave me the power to get better. I knew I had nothing to loose because I had made my life just as bad as it could be. I could now choose to have my life back.

I am growing into an amazing person that I didn’t even know existed. I did not know life could look like this – so full of hope and possibilities. I feel so alive and calm. I know myself as internally strong because I know I have me. I used to be the last person I could depend on. I have unlocked the chains that held me from my body and heart. Being a sick person seems like such a distant memory now. This program gave me a chance to live a full and vibrant life of my choosing.


Mateo had extreme gastro intestinal distress with daily diarrhea, which caused him to miss one or two days of school a week for six months. He always had to be around a toilet so he often missed out on sports and family events. Sometimes he was in a lot of pain as well. His symptoms were so severe we went to several doctors who advised him to have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. The doctor who performed the procedures found nothing.

The program helped Mateo to connect his emotional experience with his illness. He was swallowing his feelings. Mateo appeared calm on the outside but was actually having a war going on internally. The program helped him normalize his emotional state and gave him tools to deal with the wide range of feelings he has and that they are okay. He became very aware of the triggers in him and was able to share this awareness with the family so we could work together as a team.

People have commented that he looks different and can see he is really blossoming. He stands taller now and you can tell he feels better about himself. He no longer has any of his stomach problems. He can participate in family events now and ride his bike and play without getting diarrhea.

I am incredibly grateful that I came across this program and that we were open to the process. It is such a wonderful, non-invasive practice, which has built him up so much. It has been life changing.


For over fifteen years, I had a numerous diagnosed medical conditions and tried many different medical and alternative therapies, but I couldn’t get better. I could hardly function in my life because I had extreme, debilitating panic attacks and anxiety every day, along with so many physical symptoms and sensitivities that I could barely leave the house to do normal daily things.  I couldn’t go work or even grocery shop. I hardly ever socialized. My life was beyond hopeless, it was a living nightmare.

The program helped me see that I was the cause of all my problems, in a constructive way, rather than causing me to beat myself up or make me feel like I was faulty. It helped me take back my power so I could build trust in myself in knowing that I knew the way to heal myself. I feel safe now in my own body and in myself. I trust that I can create a good life because I now know that I am the one creating it.

Before the program, I relied on my family, health care practitioners, on everybody else, but me. There is nothing wrong with relying on somebody else but if I do, I can never really trust and rely on myself, or know that I am okay. I now understand that the only thing that can get in the way of a good and healthy life is me.

I hope that you have the courage to know that you are the reason that your life does not work, and why you are not well. There really is an answer to the most hopeless situations because now I know I can heal myself and that I am the only one that can do it.


I was very sensitive to crowds and noise and limited myself in the outside world. I had to take medications for things like sleep, anxiety, and depression that normal people can handle. I isolated myself and I was not able to see outside of myself, like a gerbil in a cage. I felt very different from everybody.

By following the program, I started seeing life again. I became more tuned into myself, which was challenging, yet I wanted to look at myself so I could change and grow. I felt gently pushed so my achievements and self-value could grow. I felt connected to myself and the outside world and was happy to be back in my life. I began to outgrow my illnesses as I became more involved in my life.

I have held two jobs now for over a year. Each day I can know myself more; it is like reading a really interesting book and having a new page every day. I am discovering a lot of me I never knew. I want to keep growing because I find myself so interesting. I had no idea what I was capable of doing.

My advice is to just work the program and you will get healthy. It is like going home and somebody is there.


I had chronic pain in my spine and chronic fatigue for nearly five years. I had immune reactions with almost all foods. I had difficulty getting out of bed every day and isolated myself from everybody because I did not have any energy. I was in a constant state of fear that something was really wrong with me. My world became very small and I could not think beyond a day. It was a place to hide.

The program gave me the tools to anchor into my day-to-day experience of myself so I could be honest with what I needed to change in my life to get better. It was a completely humbling and eye-opening experience because I thought I knew enough to deal with myself. As a therapist, I had to put aside everything I learned about emotions and open my heart. The program helped me to know concretely the effect of my emotions on my well-being. I can see now so clearly that trapped emotions created my entire illness.

My life is easier now. I am not reacting to my life anymore. I am in charge of my life so things are not happening to me. It feels really good yet scary. I get excited because I can see all the possibilities; there are so many options for me now. Wow, I actually feel lucky to be me.

I really believe, especially if you have a chronic illness, this program is a necessary component to being healthy. It is hard work, but I know that anything that is hard work is worth it. Why wouldn’t I want a great life?


My life revolved around my illnesses and conditions, which included depression, severe anxiety, and an eating disorder.  I did constant chiropractic and acupuncture therapy, yet in spite of all the treatments, I slept almost 12-15 hours per day and I had no life. I felt dead inside and did not participate in any aspect of my life.

I am now off all the medications I was on for more than 20 years and I no longer need therapy and the self-help groups I attended. The program helped me know how to heal myself and taught me how to listen to my heart for answers. I learned how to look inside myself, whereas before I always looked outside for my healing. I realize that I am the only person that can heal me.

I am now more involved in my life and my relationships. I want to be there for me. I feel like I matter now and that I want to fight for me. I feel empowered, and for the first time in my life I am doing something nurturing and good in my life

I have searched in many areas and in many different things over the years, but this is the only program that I found that works. It has changed my life. Actually, I realize it is not just the work; it is what I put into it that changed my life.


  • Anew Life Center

    The following are some of the more common chronic illnesses we work with:
    • Alzheimer’s
    • Asthma
    • ALS
    • Chronic Fatigue
    • Crohn’s Disease
    • Epilepsy
    • Fibromyalgia
    • IBS
    • Lupus
    • Migraines
    • MS
    • Panic Disorder