What you need to know about enrolling in Anew Life Center’s education program.

Do I need to live in the Denver area to take part in the program?

No, you can live anywhere. One of the exciting aspects of the program is that it is an educational program rather than a therapeutic treatment. What this means is that nothing is done to you that would require you to be physically present during the program. We have had great success working with individuals using internet video programs like Zoom. If you live in the Denver area, we have convenient options to meet with you in person.

What are the treatments?

Since Anew Life Center is an educational program, we do not diagnose or treat illnesses.

Our program is not another treatment modality. It is a completely novel approach that recognizes that stress, which disables the body’s ability to self-repair is the fundamental cause of chronic illness. Anew Life Center has created an educational program, based upon 15 years of research and study, that teaches an individual how to support their body’s innate ability to self-heal by resolving the underlying cause of stress. By working on the source of stress rather than on their illness, an individual will naturally outgrow their chronic illness as their body self-repairs and becomes healthy.

What is the structure of the program?

Your educational program is a comprehensive wellness curriculum that includes regular coaching sessions. In the Wellness Program, you will have access to weekly course modules that include training videos, quizzes, and homework assignments. Think of the program as if you were going back to school to learn a new vocation or profession. Though the program is very adaptive and intuitive, your success is directly correlated to your commitment to learning and practicing the educational material.

The program will empower you to reclaim your health and provide you with effective skills to maintain your health and well-being over the long term. However, we do encourage you to have “tune-up” appointments after the program is completed to reinforce the concepts you will learn and to support yourself in any future stressful situations you may encounter in your life.

What is the cost?

The cost of your educational program is determined by your health history, the specific illness that you have, and your wellness goals. Please call our office to set up a consultation so we can evaluate your individual health concerns and goals. We offer payment plans to help you if you need financial support.

May I continue treatments and medication that I am currently using during the program?

Anew Life Center’s educational program does not treat your illness directly. You will outgrow your illnesses as a by-product of working on the underlying cause of your illness. Therefore, if you are currently undergoing treatment for your illness – whether medical, alternative or psychological – you may choose to continue treatment or discontinue treatment at any time during the program at your own discretion.

Also, you can decide at any time to pursue any additional psychological, medical or emotional options you think are best for you.

How will I know if the program will work for me?

The Anew Life Center’s educational program is not intended to be for everybody – it is not a cure or a treatment. Since the process does not treat the illness itself but rather works on the body’s natural ability to self-heal, the program is most suited for individuals who are committed to their own experience of healing, who desire to take responsibility for their own health and well-being, and who understand at that the body has the capacity to self-heal. We have developed an insightful screening process that helps you know whether this program is a good fit for you.

The educational program does require a deep personal commitment to become healthy and a willingness to be responsible for one’s health and wellbeing.

What if I am skeptical? Can I just try it out for a week or two?

Unfortunately, no. We will help you discover for yourself if the program is right for you before you start. An important part of the program is making a deep commitment to yourself and to getting well, which means committing to the program, even if it gets hard. Also, the effects of the program are cumulative, so there is no way to accurately evaluate its effectiveness in the first few weeks.

  • Anew Life Center

    The following are some of the more common chronic illnesses we work with:
    • Alzheimer’s
    • Asthma
    • ALS
    • Chronic Fatigue
    • Crohn’s Disease
    • Epilepsy
    • Fibromyalgia
    • IBS
    • Lupus
    • Migraines
    • MS
    • Panic Disorder