
I had chronic pain in my spine and chronic fatigue for nearly five years. I had immune reactions with almost all foods. I had difficulty getting out of bed every day and isolated myself from everybody because I did not have any energy.

I had chronic pain in my spine and chronic fatigue for nearly five years. I had immune reactions with almost all foods. I had difficulty getting out of bed every day and isolated myself from everybody because I did not have any energy. I was in a constant state of fear that something was really wrong with me. My world became very small and I could not think beyond a day. It was a place to hide.

The program gave me the tools to anchor into my day-to-day experience of myself so I could be honest with what I needed to change in my life to get better. It was a completely humbling and eye-opening experience because I thought I knew enough to deal with myself. As a therapist, I had to put aside everything I learned about emotions and open my heart. The program helped me to know concretely the effect of my emotions on my well-being. I can see now so clearly that trapped emotions created my entire illness.

My life is easier now. I am not reacting to my life anymore. I am in charge of my life so things are not happening to me. It feels really good yet scary. I get excited because I can see all the possibilities; there are so many options for me now. Wow, I actually feel lucky to be me.

I really believe, especially if you have a chronic illness, this program is a necessary component to being healthy. It is hard work, but I know that anything that is hard work is worth it. Why wouldn’t I want a great life?
