Looking back I realize my life was pure chaos. I lived a very restricted life and I often had panic attacks. I would have severe anxiety in large crowds and could not be around people. I always had a fear of going out and enjoying life. I never thought I was capable enough to try anything new in life.
The program helped me take responsibility for how I treated myself. I blamed my parents and God for how my life turned out. By taking responsibility, it allowed me to take the blame I was putting on others and now see I was the problem. From this place of being honest and learning that I was creating my pain and my illness, I began to heal myself. I soon started feeling better about myself and began to like myself. I felt I was worth fighting for.
I know this all to be true because I am no longer sick. I am my own proof. I have the freedom to live my life now. I no longer feel trapped and stuck on the hamster wheel. My life is full of opportunities and I feel like I have given myself a whole new life. It is as if I never even had my illness.
If you are looking to change your life and want to become healthy, I know this program is for you. Your freedom will become the fruits of your labor.